8 Book Series Everyone Should Read

Sometimes authors grace us with their talent by continuing their amazing stories over the course of many books. Readers aren’t left with ‘what ifs’ and can continue to live in the worlds these writers have created. I have read many book series, and every one I start I happily finish. If I quit reading a series, it’s always with the intention to start it back up someday.

To be honest, I love book series. I like not having to wonder what book I should pick up next. Instead, I have a ready-made list of books I should read at my disposal. In an effort to turn some other readers on to my favorite series, I’ve made a list for you! Hopefully if any of you pick it up, you let me know how you liked the series, or if you’ve read them, we can discuss our likes and dislikes about everything. I’m ready to fan girl with you 😀

So without further ado….

  1. A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket


This was one of the first book series I read. I had never read books before where the author actively tells you to stop reading their story lol and I totally thought I was a badass 11 year old for not obeying his orders. I liked the plot surrounding Count Olaf and his mischievous ways and the kids outwitting him every time. I loved the movie with Jim Carrey (although I’ve heard a lot of people hated it) and I thought the tv show was really disappointing. I actually stopped watching it after the second episode…. BUT the series is one of the most original story lines I’ve come across and I am long overdue in reading it again.


2. The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis


I’ll admit, I’m not much of a fantasy person. Very rarely do I pick up books and want to read about unicorns and elves and dwarves, but the writing captures the imagination and I wanted to know all there was about this fictitious world. It’s an easy read, and when I think about reading it again, I always imagine reading it to my future children at bedtime. I’ll be honest, I watched the movies once and promptly forgot about them, but now that I’ve finished the series, I think I’ll re-watch them.


3. To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before by Jenny Han

2017-07-05_To-All-The-Boys-Ive-Loved-Before_feature-2Oh. My. God. I loved this series. This was the first series I read where afterwards I actively stalked the author online and followed her on all social media platforms. I love her writing. Han writes about her main character Lara Jean in a very wholesome way. Normally young adult novels involve teens wanting to drink and have sex and partying and whatever, but Han makes Lara Jean as a girl who enjoys staying at home, who would rather bake the perfect cookie than drink alcohol. I identified with Lara Jean in that respect and it made me feel connected to a character in a way I never have before. I also felt less weird for being the only person out of all my friends who just didn’t care for the partying scene. Also, hell yeah for the representation of Asian American identities. I ship anything that has Jenny Han’s name on it. AND a Netflix movie(s) will be made from this series and I’m already counting down the days.

4. If I Stay by Gayle Forman


When I began reading the first book, I was incredibly drawn in. I was caught up in wondering if this girl was going to survive her car accident or not. THEN a movie came out, and if you know me, I rarely cry during films but I was sobbing during this film. I couldn’t wait to get my hands on the second book and immediately wished I could read the series for the first time all over again. I’ve also read some of Forman’s other books and they’re just as amazing/heartbreaking.


5. The Wolves of Mercy Falls by Maggie Stiefvater

Shiv,_Ling,_ForeI’ll admit, after the whole Twilight phase was through I was sick and tired of anything involving wolves or vampires. One day during high school, I went to the school library because I had some time to kill and the librarian who knew me well enough to know what books I liked suggested this series. She must have seen my face after she said that and proceeded to quickly explain the plot. I took the first book home and began to think it was exactly like Twilight all over again, but for whatever reason, I LOVED the storylines. Stiefvater is a great writer and she made the story so seamless I honestly cannot remember if I finished the book in a matter of hours or in a day. All I knew is that I needed the next book, stat. The school librarian was more than happy to give me the other books. Even while googling this series for the image above, I found out there’s a fourth book!?!?!? I’m definitely about to check this out from the library asap.

6.  The Princess Diaries by Meg Cabot

firstallprincessThis is the ultimate tween series for girls to read (or boys if they’re into it). It follows a girl who finds out she’s royalty and the books are her diary entries throughout this time. There are so many of these books lol I don’t even think I finished all of them because I lost track of which ones I had read and which ones I hadn’t. But these books were an essential part to my childhood. I started reading them in elementary school and continued to read them in high school. Cabot has written other series as well, all of which I’ve also read but haven’t finished (there’s just so many!!!!). The movies are great too, and Anne Hathaway and Julie Andrews should be everyone’s favorites.

7. The Millennium Trilogy by Stieg Larsson

millenium_trilogy_mar3Weirdly enough, I was assigned the first book in the series, Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, for one of my college courses. Even though the books are a bit long, I could not put them down. I would sit on my bed with all of my other homework around me, snuggling under the blankets, and reading these books for hours. The books are about a woman named Lisbeth Salander who is the most badass woman you’ll ever read about. She is intelligent, and throughout the series, readers get a glimpse of the many ways in which institutions fail the common citizen. I haven’t even watched the films (neither the Swedish or American versions), and I’m still not sure I will. If you’re into crime and investigations like I am, then this series is definitely for you. However, I will put a trigger warning on this because it is very graphic in detail. There were two other books written in the series by a second author, since Larsson died, and I haven’t read those but I feel like I should. Even if it’s not by the original author, I need to know how the story continues.


8. Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling

HP2This series is amazing. It’s as simple as that. Rowling has a way of immersing you into this fantastic world and it’s hard to creep back out of the pages and continue your life in the real world. Harry and his friends, Ron and Hermoine, are basically kid investigators, trying to figure out the mysteries surrounding Lord Voldemort and ultimately how to defeat him. I love these books, and the movies and entire fandom built around it are also super cool to be a part of. Once you get sucked in, it’s hard to get back out, but I promise you, you won’t want to. (P.S. Ravenclaws for life.)

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