5 of My Favorite Places to Read

We all have our favorite places where we are able to just get. in. the. zone. Whether you’re studying and writing papers or just needing a comfy place to dive into your favorite book, everyone has their go-to spots. Below, I’ve listed my fave places to sit and drink coffee (always coffee, always).

  1. My local Starbucks

I am a coffee fiend, so it’s not surprising that the local Starbucks is one of my reading spots. I love sitting there, writing in my journal, reading a little, then going back home. Conveniently, it’s near my workplace as well, so I frequent that place way more than I should on my lunch breaks. It also has the added benefit of cute baristas who know me by name….


2. My porch

I live in an urban area on one of the busiest streets in Columbus. However, excluding the occasional engine being revved, it’s surprisingly quiet. I have some trees in front of my apartment with a little garden area and some grass, so it’s a nice area to sit out and read in the shade, with the comfort of food and water literally a few feet away. It’s very relaxing, to say the least.


3. My couch

I know it’s a bit clichĂ©, but the comfort of my own home can’t be beat. My couch is one of the best places for me to sit and read. Not only does it prevent me from falling asleep during my read, but I also have a nice view out of my bay window onto my street. If the weather is drab and I don’t feel like walking outdoors, it’s without a doubt the best option I have.

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4. The library

I’m not sure if I’ll still go to the library now that I’ve graduated, since I now associate it with long all-nighters. BUT, when I was in school and I found myself stuck on campus, the higher floors of Ohio State’s Thompson library was my favorite getaway from the hustle and bustle of the college life. It had a gorgeous view, no matter which window you faced. If I move away, this place will still have some of my favorite memories of escaping my dorm floor and getting some peace and quiet.


5. My bed

This is a dangerous choice for me, but it’s hard to resist. The second my head hits that pillow I am fighting a losing battle. And if I have a book with me? I’m done for. I will spend the rest of the day under my blankets, alternating between Netlfix and reading. It’s honestly the coziest bed I’ve ever been in and I love snuggling under the blankets in a dark room with my Kindle. Just thinking about it makes me want to head there now.


I’m sure a few of my fave spots mirror your fave spots, but if you have some other places you frequent to read, let me know and maybe I’ll try the local version for myself!


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