REVIEW: The Man God Has For You: 7 Traits to Help You Determine Your Life Partner by Stephan Labossiere

The Man God Has For You: 7 Traits To Help You Determine Your Life PartnerTitle: The Man God Has For You: 7 Traits To Help You Determine Your Life Partner

Author: Stephan Labossiere (a.k.a. Stephan Speaks)

Pages: 170

Publisher: Highly Favored Publishing

Published: July 27, 2017

Dates Read: May 12, 2018 – May 16, 2018

Rating: 5 stars

Summary & Image via Goodreads: YOU DESERVE AN AMAZING MAN!
Don’t get caught up with the man God never intended you to be with…
I’m sure you’re even wondering if such a man exists. I’m here to tell you he does! There is, in fact, a man God has for you; however, there are some steps that need to be taken in order for him to receive you and for you to receive him. The Man God Has For You: 7 Traits to Help You Determine Your Life Partner is a guide not just to help determine if the man of your interest is the right one, but also to help you get down to the nitty gritty of any underlying issues that may prevent you from recognizing if this man is truly for you. This guide will tackle 3 key points:
• Address the misconception of not enough men, the idea of settling, as well as the most popular prayer women pray.
• Give 7 essential traits to determine if the man you seek is the one God intended for you.
• Provide guidance on how to heal from your past and be open to the possibilities of embracing love.
This isn’t another “how to get a man” guide. This book will urge you look deeper within to remove any excess baggage, as well as assess the ways you’ve gone about seeking the man who is for you. A compliment to GOD Where’s My Boaz, The Man God Has For You will help you prepare and position yourself to receive the man who is waiting to receive you.

Review: I’m not sure where I got the inspiration to read this book. I have become much more religious lately, but I’m also in a weird transitory time in my life. All I know is that I felt the need to read anything that could guide me in any area of my life. It just so happens that this book guided me in my relationships. I’m always looking at comments in articles or blogs about new books to read and this one popped up along the way.

Labossiere’s style is very readable. The way he writes is the way I’d imagine he speaks. It’s with passion and it holds your attention. The writing isn’t sterile or self-appraising. He doesn’t claim HIS book is the BEST one on the market and has ALL the answers you’re looking for. Reading this, I felt like I was getting lunch or coffee with one of my girlfriends and they were giving me dating advice. It’s personal.

The book contains great advice. I have soooo many highlights in my kindle after reading this book. And while you may think it’s common knowledge, it’s hard to remind yourself of these facts when you’re romantically involved with someone. He talks about having a relationship with God and trying to incorporate that into your relationship with your significant other, but he also talks about how you’re treated and how you should demand respect. Much of what he says is easily applicable to every relationship you have, not just romantic ones. Here’s one of my highlights:

“there is a difference between the person who makes a real effort but makes mistakes at times, and the person who has a recurring issue. When it is continuous, that is a problem. Does he show you effort? What are his words and do they line up with his actions? Even though actions speak louder than words, in this case you can get confused. Oftentimes, his actions may say he wants to be in your life, or wants you as his girl, but his words say no. The actions and words must be aligned. When the actions and words do not line up, there is a problem.”(Labossiere, Stephan. The Man God Has For You: 7 Traits To Help You Determine Your Life Partner (p. 93). Highly Favored Publishing. Kindle Edition.)

What I really liked about this book is that he gave advice about relationships, but he also gave advice on how to be a better person, because by being a better person, you’ll have healthier relationships. He doesn’t just say “find a guy who does this, this, and this”, ticking off all the checkboxes. He strongly encourages the reader to better themselves in order to accept the right kind of person in their lives.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book, and I think any person that this could apply to should read it as well. I certainly saw myself in some of the examples he gave, and the book left me feeling optimistic. Even if you’re not actively in a relationship or trying to get into one, I think you should still read it. It really does apply to any person and all relationships.

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