REVIEW: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (The Chronicles of Narnia #5) by C.S. Lewis

444329TitleThe Voyage of the Dawn Treader (The Chronicles of Narnia #5)

Author: C.S. Lewis

Pages: 272

Publisher: Harper Collins

Published: September 15, 1952

Dates Read: June 30, 2018 – July 22, 2018

Rating: 4 stars

Summary & Image via GoodreadsA voyage to the very ends of the world. Narnia… where a dragon awakens… where stars walk the earth… where anything can happen. A king and some unexpected companions embark on a voyage that will take them beyond all known lands. As they sail father and farther from charted waters, they discover that their quest is more than they imagined and that the world’s end is only the beginning.

Review: Don’t let how long I took to read this book scare you. It’s an easy and very enjoyable read, I was just a bit burnt out from reading so I set it down for a bit.

This book in the series was more enjoyable than some of the others. In the previous books there seems to be a main event or person that the characters must conquer. But in this book it’s like action at every turn! Prince Caspian, Edmund, Lucy, and their cousin, Eustace begin their journey by traveling to the end of the world in unknown territory. The voyagers encounter many islands and each one has a distinct trait about it: one has a dragon, one is totally dark and makes your dreams (the ones you have in your sleep) come to life, one has water that turns whatever it touches to gold. It’s like there’s something happening to the travelers on every other page! Because it’s so action-packed, it was more entertaining than the other books in the series and that’s why this book gets 4 stars.

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