Life is Moving Forward

I haven’t done one of these in a while, so I figured I’d give a more detailed update than I normally would in my monthly recap.

I am about to no longer have a job. My last day at my current job is in three days, so it’s coming up. I’ve applied to some jobs, maybe not as vigorously as I should have been, and haven’t heard anything back yet. I have some money saved up so I’m not in dire straits financially but if I don’t begin to hear back from these places I won’t be so calm. Speaking of which, I’m surprisingly relaxed about leaving my job. I recognize that it’s time to go and even though I don’t have another one lined up yet, I’m okay with saying good-bye to my work place.

As for my living arrangements, I’m kinda ready to move out of my apartment. I’ve been here for two years and have one more year on my lease. There are new people moving in above me and I know it’s stupid, but I’m stressin’. Whenever you get a new neighbor, you never know what they’ll be like so I’m just hoping and praying I’m getting anxious about nothing and that everything will be okay. There have been times in the past where my upstairs neighbors have bothered me so much that I’ve thought about going to a hotel near me so I could get some peace and quiet. Dramatic, I know, but I have long since realized the urban city life is not for me. One more year….

As for my lifestyle, I’ve been really intrigued with the minimalist lifestyle and what it stands for. I don’t think I’ll be putting my mattress on the floor anytime soon, but the idea of getting rid of excess stuff is something I could certainly carry out. I’m getting rid of a tv I have because honestly, who needs two? One in the living room is enough. I’ve gone through my closet three times in the last month to put more clothes in the donation pile. I’ve even thought about getting rid of some of my furniture or other random shit I don’t need. Decluttering my home and life is surprisingly liberating. I used to hold on to things I thought I wanted but after letting go I don’t miss them at all. It’s nice to kind of focus on what’s important.

Decluttering my physical environment has made me look inward and want to be healthy in mind, body, and soul. I’ve begun to look at mindfulness and meditation practices and I’ve started eating healthy, which requires a lot of unlearning of bad habits. I’m still not to a point where exercising excites me but maybe one day….maybe. In the past I’ve jumped into major life changes, trying to do it all at once. But now I’m taking it one baby step at a time. I hope in the end I’ll be happy and healthy, and really that’s all that matters.

One thing that’s keeping me a bit sane is this blog. While everything is up in the air with work, I can still come home to this. I’ll still always have something to do. I hate not having things to do so maintaining this blog is a mix of work and fun, and it makes me feel productive. I don’t feel as down and out about myself when I make goals for my blog and try to hit them. It keeps me motivated.

I’m not sure where my life is going right now, but I can confidently say that I’m excited and nervous for my next adventure.


  1. I hope everything works out for you soon. I left my job without another lined up too, both because my husband accepted a position in another state and because I couldn’t take another year in the classroom. It’s scary, but you can’t stay in a position where you’re not happy.

    Good luck!

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    • Thank you! I’m partially excited but also scared. I have to leave because I’m no longer a student and it’s a student position, but I’m just ready to go. I recognize that it’s time so I hope the future looks bright 🙂

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