It’s been a while….

It’s been quite some time since I’ve written a blog post. There have been many changes in my life recently and in order to handle them in a healthy manner I had to step back from my blog for a while.

I graduated college in August and had been looking for jobs for about two months. During that time I was mostly focused on getting job applications and resumes sent out. I stopped counting how many I submitted because the higher the number went the more depressed I became. I kept wondering why I wasn’t hearing anything back when I had sent out soooo many. It was a major hit to my ego and I went through a bit of a rough emotional patch. 

But finally my luck turned around. I began working (and still am working) at a Christian counseling center. I have recently got a second job as a barista at Starbucks, in order to keep me afloat financially. And now that I have the most pressing matters settled, I feel like I can start focusing on my hobbies and blog again.

I’ll be honest, I missed writing. I missed reading. I missed doing things I enjoy. But I’m hoping now that my job situation is no longer dire, I can relax. I love curling up during the winter with a good book while it’s snowing outside, so this came at a perfect time. I can finally breathe again and chill out.

I’ll be playing catch up with some of my book reviews. I have a lot to write, so hopefully none of you readers will be annoyed with my sudden bombardment of blog posts. But I’m ready to get back in the action. 🙂

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