REVIEW: Quidditch Through the Ages by J.K. Rowling

quidditchthroughtheagescoverTitle: Quidditch Through the Ages

Author: J.K. Rowling

Pages: 128

Publisher: Arthur A. Levine Books

Published: 2001

Date Read: September 28, 2018

Rating: 4 stars

Summary & Image via Goodreads: If you have ever asked yourself where the Golden Snitch came from, how the Bludgers came into existence, or why the Wigtown Wanderers have pictures of meat cleavers on their robes, you need Quidditch Through the Ages. This invaluable volume is consulted by young Quidditch fans on an almost daily basis.

Proceeds from the sale of this book will go to Comic Relief, who will use your money to continue improving and changing lives — work that is even more important and astonishing than the three-and-a-half-second capture of the Golden Snitch by Roderick Plumpton in 1921.

— Albus Dumbledore

Review: I have never cared much for sports, so I assumed I would care even less for a fictional sport. But alas, I was wrong.

This book is so. interesting. It’s a fake sport and yet I could not stop reading the book. Now I know why Harry Potter was always reading it in the book series. 

The history behind the sport and why there are certain rules in the game and how they came about over time is just so incredible. Then to see the flying broom industry kick off in the book series be explained as well? Man I honestly nerded out while reading this. I don’t care for sports but Quidditch will always have a special place in my HP heart.

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