Back from Sabbatical

Hello readers!

I took a long break from blogging, but I am back! Technically I wasn’t on sabbatical, I was busy with life and I didn’t have a laptop or tablet to even write on, so I was a bit limited in accessing my blog. However, I am back and feel rejuvenated and am ready to get back at it!

So a few life updates:

  1. I quit my job at the Christian counseling center. I was feeling pretty burnt out from my interactions with clients and management and felt relieved to leave. My last day was in March, which also happened to be around the same time this whole virus stuff went crazy, so I have been out of a job since then. It’s a very extended vacation for me at this point.
  2. I moved back to my hometown! I never thought I would move back, but after feeling the burn out from my job, I ended up also having a really creepy neighbor that was making me scared to even be in my own apartment. Thankfully after I moved I haven’t had any interactions with him and feel very safe back in my hometown, living with my parents.
  3. My stepmom, who I love, was diagnosed with advanced stomach cancer a week after I left my job and moved back home. I’m hesitant to get a job right now as she is high risk. I ended up having to cut her hair at home, since no salons were open, and it’s been an emotional roller coaster watching her go through chemotherapy.
  4. I’ve been applying to jobs (not as vigorously as I could be if I’m being honest) and haven’t received any call backs or interviews. I’ll continue to apply, but if I don’t get any job offers, I will continue to value the time I get to spend with family right now.
  5. I had actually planned to go to seminary! I never in a million years thought that would be something I would consider, but I really was considering becoming a pastor or doing prison ministry. As of right now, it’s on the back burner. I don’t feel “Christian enough”, if that makes sense. My heart simply wasn’t in it, and while I still like to stay connected with my faith, seminary is not in the cards for me at this time.
  6. I’m getting back into writing! With all of this craziness with moving, the creep, my step mom, and the virus, it was putting a major strain on my mental health for MONTHS. I began going back to therapy, and my therapist is amazing. I finally realized I’ve always wanted to be a writer. She’s been a very encouraging presence in my life, and I feel very confident in pursuing my dreams now more than ever.

As weird as it sounds, I feel like I’m where I need to be in life right now. The virus ratcheted up right after I moved back home. And right after I moved back home, my step mom was diagnosed. I feel like the universe was pushing me to be where I need to be right now, and I feel blessed that I’m safe and with family at this time. I have no regrets about moving or leaving my job, and I feel very much at peace in my life.

I hope to continue blogging more, now that I have access to a laptop and have PLENTY of time on my hands lol. I hope to never go this long without writing. Whether or not people read this, I’m happy to be doing what I enjoy.

I will get back to writing book reviews soon, and I hope to interact with fellow bloggers and readers!


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